4 Ways to Seek God's Guidance in Decisions.

Decisions.From the second we open our eyes in the morning we’re faced with decisions.For me it’s when to get up. 6:45 … 7 … you’re right Lord, 7:15.Dressed up or laid back. (More accurate, Adidas shirt or hoodie?)Special K with strawberries or Multigrain Cheerios. When did I become so old?Tall or grande coffee … or maybe a venti?Then there’s all the major decisions.About your career, this promotion or that company?Marriage. Who? What? When? Where? How many bridesmaids?Family. Two kids or three?More school?Where to live?Which house to buy?Which team to pick for the Super Bowl? Go Bengals!Decisions, big and small, can be a bit overwhelming. But the decision process begins by changing our heart, mind, and soul to be more like Christ’s.Romans 12:2 says, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God.”When we become transformed with a renewed heart and mind, God’s will, his desire for our life, becomes more evident. And we’ll continue to see more of it as we walk alongside him.

When we become transformed with a renewed heart and mind, God’s will, his desire for our life, becomes more evident. And we’ll continue to see more of it as we walk alongside him.

Here are four things we can do in the hopes of gaining a little bit of insight from God.

  1. Get into the Word of God.

Does the Bible have anything to say about our decision?Is our particular issue discussed?Can any insight be gained about our circumstance?Is our possible decision consistent with God’s word?We want to be careful to not misapply a verse, but there’s a lot of areas that are really clear.It seems like the Bible is the most obvious place to find guidance from above, but it’s often the least listened to. If we care what God has to say on some matters it’s crystal clear.

It seems like the Bible is the most obvious place to find guidance from above, but it’s often the least listened to.

He will never call us or prompt us to do something that’s the opposite of what he’s already said.The Bible’s not meant to be an answer book, but rather a guide to help us get through life and the decisions that come along with it.

  1. Spend time in prayer.

Share the decision you’re having to make with God.Lord, I’m trying to make a decision.I want to know your thoughts.I want to make the right choice.This is the desire of my heart, but I want to hear from you.Does this further my kingdom or Your Kingdom?But we must also listen to Him.Being still before God and listening.Sitting in peace and quiet and waiting to hear from Him.Be careful not to confuse God’s voice with your feelings. This is hard to explain, but there are times when our feelings are clearly from us, not from God.

Be careful not to confuse God’s voice with your feelings.

  1. Seek wise counsel.

I have a group of people—everyone from my wife and dad to other pastors and close friends that I regularly invite to speak into my life.Here are the options.Here are the details.Here’s what I see God saying to me.What am I missing?I don’t go looking for them to give me the answer, just their insights and counsel.It’s helpful to talk with people who know us, who know our faults and strengths. It’s also helpful to speak with a person who knows the situation and may give us a different view on it.But more than anything, it’s helpful to find someone who knows the Lord and has been following Him for some time. They may not know the “answer,” but they’re tuned into God, knowing His heart and ways.

It’s helpful to find someone who knows the Lord and has been following Him for some time. They may not know the “answer,” but they’re tuned into God.

  1. Use your Spirit-filled mind.

God is the one who gave us our brains and the ability to think. We should use the gift of a sound mind when making decisions.It might be good to list the pros and cons of a circumstance, weighing the different alternatives and what they would mean.There will be things that God is asking us to do that make no sense. Other things are simply a decision of preference.

There will be things that God is asking us to do that make no sense. Other things are simply a decision of preference.

God has given us the freedom to choose, so we don’t need to seek Him for every tiny decision (we’d go nuts!), but it’s important to use our God-given minds when making a decision.---Once we’ve sought out the different sources has anything become evident?Is anything rising to the top?Is a decision being made clear?Is God leading us a certain way?If the answer is yes, the only question remaining is, will we obey?


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