Episode #185: Andy & Sandra Stanley on Parenting

Today on The Conversation, Adam is joined by Andy and Sandra Stanley! Andy is a best-selling author, leadership expert, and pastor of an amazing church called Northpoint in Atlanta, Georgia. 

In today’s episode, Andy & Sandra share so much wisdom, specifically about parenting. 

They share about what guided them in their parenting decisions: that relationship is more important than behavior. For leaders and pastors, Adam and the Stanleys also discuss how to parent your own kids well if you have a position where it feels like other people are watching you and your kids. They also share how to help your kids grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus, and how they’ve approached their own kids’ faith questions & doubts

Watch an extended video clip from this conversation on Youtube.

Subscribe and listen to episode 185 of The Conversation podcast here.


Episode 186: Toni Collier on Rebuilding Your Life


Episode #184: Richard Foster on How to be Humble