Be Amazing Today

A guest post by Travis Waltner

I’m always inspired when this girl wears this shirt: "Be amazing today." Every week she works her butt off learning how to walk at physical therapy, working her little fingers to figure out how to use buttons at occupational therapy, and trying to say English words that are foreign to her in speech class. The tasks that are so simple for most, take her forever to do. But every day she does them with a smile—a few tears sometimes—but always followed by smiles. Not sure if this will last when she gets her teenager attitude someday, but right now she lives this shirt every day.

Go “be amazing today!" Go change the world.

Go “be amazing today!" Go change the world. Do something great. Stop complaining. Stop gossiping. Stop worrying about other people's crap. And smile. Be amazing. Do good for someone. Show someone you care. Spread the joy of Jesus to those around you. Who knows how long we have on this earth, so be amazing today!

Rynn is a 4 year-old girl who is a joy spreader and lives life fully. She has cerebral palsy but isn’t limited by it. Travis is her adoptive dad and is the Campus Pastor at Embrace Church's Tea Campus. He's married to his wife, Jessica, and they have four kids. Here is Travis’ original post on Facebook.


Episode #15 Katherine Wolf


Everyone's got something.