Episode 193 - CJ & Steph Ham on Making it to the NFL, Feeling Unseen, and How God Shows up in Grief

Adam recently sat down with CJ & Steph Ham. The Hams are some of the most real, genuine, and humble people you can meet. You might know him from the Minnesota Vikings—but they both attended Embrace while at Augustana University here in Sioux Falls.

In this conversation, Adam talks with CJ and Steph about their faith stories and how they each came to know Jesus. They touch on keeping your identity centered on God and what it’s like to play a role in life where you feel unseen. CJ also shares about grief and how losing his mom has shaped so much of his journey in the past few years.

Subscribe and listen to episode 193 of The Conversation podcast here.


Episode 194 - How to fight the battle you’re facing with Jonathan Evans


Episode 192 - Why I almost left the church (& why I’m glad I didn’t) with Michael Cochren