Episode 288 - What She Learned (& How to Find Rest) Through the Hardest Year of Her Life with Jess Connolly

Today, I had the honor to connect with Jess Connolly. Jess is an author, speaker, podcaster that I’ve followed for years (and I’m a huge fan of her husband Nic).

During our conversation, Jess opens up about what she learned through the hardest year of her life and what she discovered through experiencing pain. We also talk about the importance of rest and Jess shares some simple tips for how to find it, even in the busyness of life.

Plus, if you listen to the podcast or watch on YouTube, you’ll also hear Jess talk about how to pursue something that you believe God has given you, even when you’re not finding any traction.

Friends, don’t miss this episode!

Grab a copy of Jess’ new book Tired of Being Tired

Take the FREE “Find Your Fatigue” quiz here: https://www.jessconnolly.com/quiz 

Thanks to our amazing partners on this episode: International Justice Mission & Vern Eide

International Justice Mission is a global nonprofit working to end slavery and violence around the world, taking special care of survivors from the moment they’re rescued all the way through their healing and restoration. To learn more and support their mission, visit ijm.org 

Vern Eide Motorcars is a growing employee-owned company that offers sales, service, and financing of automotive, motorcycle, and power sports lines, including Acura, Ford, Chevy, GMC, Honda, Hyundai and Mitsubishi brands. Whether you live locally or across the country, visit verneide.com

Subscribe to The Conversation on YouTube and watch the full interview with Jess: youtube.com/@adamaweber 

Sign up for The Crew: adamweber.com/thecrew  


Episode 289 - The Asbury Revival and Humility vs Humiliation with Zach Meerkreebs


Episode 287 - Cincinnati Bengals’ Cade York: His Story of Escaping, Pornography & Finding Jesus