Episode #198 - Os Guinness on the meaning of life & the signals that point you to something more

This week on The Conversation, Adam sits down with legendary author, Os Guinness for a conversation especially for deep thinkers and academics. Os is a scholar with a PhD from Oxford, and a leader around the world in politics, business, academics, and faith.

In today’s episode, Adam and Os talk about the experiences that cause us to search for meaning and ask profound questions about life, which Os calls “signals of transcendence.” They also talk about the distractions in life that keep us from finding meaning, the highs and lows of humanity, and so much more.

Subscribe and listen to episode 198 of The Conversation podcast here.


Bonus Episode: Sex, Porn & Infidelity: What do I do if my significant other is struggling with pornography?


Episode #197 - Pat Lencioni on the most important advice he has for leaders, how to maximize your gifts, & why you’re frustrated as a leader