NEW: South Dakota Series Trailer!

If you’ve been listening to The Conversation for any amount of time, you know Adam lives in South Dakota. Besides just living in the Mount Rushmore state, you know he LOVES pretty much everything about SD (besides the freezing cold winters)!  

Starting next week, Adam is launching a new, once-a-month series right here on The Conversation featuring some of South Dakota’s biggest names! 

Take 6 minutes to check out this short trailer (that includes a clip of Adam’s  conversation with legendary South Dakota State football Coach John “Stig” Stiegelmeier!)

Also, don’t miss the GIVEAWAY at the end of the trailer! Spoiler alert: it involves $100 gift cards (and a few of Adam’s favorite things)!

Subscribe and listen to the trailer for the NEW South Dakota Series here.


Coach Stig: SDSU’s Winningest Football Coach (South Dakota Series #1)


Episode 204 - Tara Leigh Cobble on why 2.5 M people have listened to her podcast, how to read the Bible, & what to look for when you do