Episode #206: Stop dating 2 churches and marry 1, why all churches are messy, and more on the Church

Today on The Conversation, Adam and his longtime friend Travis Waltner, one of Embrace’s pastors, talk about the Church. The Church with a capital C. They share their thoughts on the Church and some things that they’re seeing in Christians right now. 

This is a conversation that has been stirring inside of Adam for months.

Some examples example of what they’re talking about today are:

Stop dating 2 or 3 churches and instead marry 1 church.

Go to church, even on the Sundays that the main pastor isn’t preaching.

Online is a great option for guests.

If going to church is optional for you, there’s a high chance that it won’t be important for your kids.

If you’re a Jesus follower, Adam hopes this conversation encourages you—and challenges you.

Subscribe and listen to episode 206 of The Conversation here.


Episode #207: Shawn Johnson on misconceptions about faith and anxiety, living in a fishbowl as leaders, and why you need to stop performing


Episode #205: Kyle Idleman on burnout, becoming healthy, and what’s kept him going for 25 years in ministry