There's More.

Even after seeing the ocean a bunch of times now, each time it still never ceases to amaze me. “Wow, that’s a bunch of water!As far as I can see there’s water!It's like a lake but so much bigger!” But in the moment, I still don’t have a clue. Like it’s impossible for me to comprehend what I’m standing before and understand just how big the ocean is.On an infinite level, this is us with God.When it comes to God, there’s more. So much more than we can see or imagine.

There’s more. So much more than we can see or imagine.

In one of my favorite stories in the Bible, Jesus talks about two brothers (Luke 15). The younger brother takes all his father’s money and runs away to find a better life. The older one stays behind to take care of his dad.Now, a lot of us have probably heard this story about the two brothers quite a few times. But let me tell you about the dad. Because when it comes down to it, this story isn’t about the sons. Instead, it’s all about the dad. The story is about him!And just listen to what we’re told about him: After the younger son takes his dad’s money, he leaves home only to hit rock bottom. He’s broken. And when this punk son decides to come back home, what happens? We’re told that his dad sees him, and instead of being filled with anger, instead of waiting to say “I told you so,” the dad is filled with what? Love and compassion.

The dad is filled with what? Love and compassion.

But just wait, there’s more. And we’re told that the dad runs to his kid. He comes and he meets his kid right where he is. And he embraces him, and kisses him. Again, there’s more. The dad tells the servant to get the best robe they have and put it on his kid. And there’s more. He says to put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet! And there’s more. The dad says to prepare the best meal possible. And he proclaims: “We must celebrate! Why? Because this son of mine was dead and now he has come back to life! He was lost and is now found!” And so they begin to celebrate. Powerful right?And then when it comes to the older son in the story, once again, watch the dad!The older brother is outside and he’s angry at his dad for taking in his brother. He’s angry at his dad for showing grace. I mean, he’s been the perfect kid, and his dad’s clearly an idiot. And yet, what does the dad do? Something that I’ve never noticed. The dad comes and he meets the older brother too. Just like the little brother, the dad meets the older brother right where he is.

Just like the little brother, the dad meets the older brother right where he is.

Hear this though, there’s more. The dad begs him to come in. He pleads with him to come and be part of the party. Why? Because he loves him too, and he wants to be with him as well. And yet, there’s more. The dad says: “Dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours. All along, everything I had belonged to you."Wow, right? This relationship between the dad and the two sons... this is us and God. The story is about the dad. Our dad. God!When we begin to understand this about God, the words of our heart will change. "God, I knew you were good, but you’re so much better.And Father, I just want more of you in my life.I just want to become more like you.And I just want to be with you even more."

God, I knew you were good, but you’re so much better.

It’s like standing next to the ocean.Looking out at the waves, the water just seems like it goes on forever.There’s so much more out there.There’s so much more to the story of the two brothers. There’s so much more to God.


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