Episode #187: Toni Nieuwhof on the good, bad, & ugly of marriage, sex, and 3 ways to make your marriage stronger

Adam sits down with author & divorce attorney, Toni Nieuwhof. Toni has been married for 30 years (maybe you’ve heard of her husband Carey?) and she’s also walked through relationships with countless couples. Toni shares her advice to couples experiencing the best and hardest parts of marriage, ways couples can reconnect and what you can do to strengthen your marriage today. We also talk about sex in a part of our conversation that you definitely don’t want to miss (Spoiler alert: she mentions a sex challenge!!)

Subscribe and listen to episode 187 of The Conversation podcast here.


Episode #188: Jordan Raynor on How to handle your phone & email as a leader and 3 ways to increase your impact


Episode 186: Toni Collier on Rebuilding Your Life