5 Reasons Your Cute Coworker is Better Looking than your Husband or Wife.

Are you married but have a cute coworker? Not only cute, but they're also fun, easy to talk to, and carefree. Did I mention, cute? They're so great that you're starting to wonder if you married the wrong person.There are a million more reasons, but here are 5 of the reasons that (you think) your cute coworker is better looking than your husband or wife.#1 Your coworker isn’t crazy! Like your spouse is. Correction: You don’t see their crazy. With your spouse you see it daily, right? I promise your coworker is just as crazy, but you just haven’t seen it. I’m crazy as well. But really only my wife and my kids have ever seen it. Everyone else sees my non-crazy side. Your cute coworker does the same thing. Trust me. They’re crazy!#2 You don’t share a bank account with them.I bet you forgot that part, didn’t you? Unlike your spouse, you don’t ever have to talk with your cute coworker about money. Only one of the single greatest sources of stress on a relationship. You don’t have to pay bills with them. You don’t have to ever ask for their permission. No wonder your conversations are so carefree. So lighthearted. Idea: Steal your cute coworker’s checkbook sometime and see if they’re still carefree. Okay, maybe don’t. That’s illegal.

Steal your cute coworker’s checkbook sometime and see if they’re still carefree. Okay, maybe don’t. That’s illegal.